Monday, July 30, 2012

Social Eater

This weekend was not so diet-friendly! I had the best intentions, too. It's so difficult to eat healthy when you're just hanging out with friends or family having a good time.

I went out to eat on Saturday and ordered something healthy, so that was fine. But then we had a campfire and I had a s'more and some glasses of wine. (It's kinda hard to have just one glass of wine... but I figure if I drink maybe once a week, that won't kill the diet too much. Right?) And I ate chips and guacamole.. which is probably my favorite snack in the whole world. And yesterday, I did have the bacon, eggs and toast breakfast with my boyfriend that I've been missing. Oh and somewhere in there I had frozen yogurt, with bad Reese's stuff on it.

Today the scale shows that I haven't gained any weight after this weekend, but I suspect it is just dehydration from drinking last night.

Sometimes eating just plays a big role in socializing. I can't wait for the day when I can just eat healthy and then indulge every once in a while and not even really think about it. The whole having fun and eating good food and then immediately feeling guilty afterwards is not fun!


safire said...

I totally understand. At the start of my journey, it was easier to stay on plan because I didn't want to go out and socialize. (Not until I lost weight I told myself). Eating in a controlled environment was key to my success in the beginning. I had a few mishaps when I slowly emerged from that when I attended parties and potlucks. I think it takes some pre-planning and some restraint for me since I'm never going to be one of those people who doesn't have to try.

Good luck!

Kara Lea said...

I have had those exact same struggles. I have grown tired of feeling guilty because of my social eating. It's a part of me . . . I will never be that person who doesn't have to think about it. I indulge and it's ok. The guilt is not OK. I'd rather indulge and be ok with it then indulge and keep feeling guilty about it. Just something to think about . . . hang in there. Thanks for sharing your journey.

Ak said...

I have the same problem with social eating...and it seems there have been a million more social functions lately!

Diandra said...

You could try to bring healthier stuff to social events (e.g. all the stuff from Chocolate-covered Katie's blog). Wouldn't even have to tell the others that it's healthy, they'll never suspect a thing!

The hardest part, in my opinion, is sticking with a "No, thanks" when the others keep shoving stuff in your face, "Here, just one bite," or "Come on, one glass won't hurt you!" So impolite! It's like, "Why don't you want to sleep with me? Just five minutes!"