And then I moved. Got caught up in work and life. Met and married a wonderful man. And just got busy. I've been very up and down with my weight loss, losing 20 lbs, then gaining it back probably at least three times.
I wish I had continued on with this blog and stayed connected with the people who encouraged me and helped me. I wish I hadn't put my goal of losing 100lbs on hold at certain times and of course I could have done without the yo yo mess.
If I had, it might be more fulfilling to share the big news with you all (seeing as how I don't know if anyone will even see this)..
But I do have some super exciting news to share....
This was the week that I reached my goal...
Since my highest weight, I have lost 100 pounds!
I started this thing at 250, desperately knowing I needed a change. It hasn't been easy, or fast, but I did it.

If you landed on this post, say hi!