Monday, September 5, 2011

Sabotaging myself?

Ugh. What the hell is wrong with me? Yesterday and today have been bad eating days. It was the typical "Whatever, I'll eat this, I don't care" and then the "Omg, I can't believe I ate all that" kind of guilt that came after.

It was my mom's birthday, so we had cake and went out to eat. That's no excuse. I could have eaten better and made better choices, but I just didn't. Yesterday, I just kept thinking, "Tomorrow I'll start over." And then today, guess what I've been saying to myself? "Tomorrow I'll start over." Ugh, so dumb. It's that typical diet mentality that I thought I had overcome.

How was I so strict before and now it's such a struggle?

I don't even know what to say. This post has taken forever to write because I really don't know what my problem is. I am so pissed at myself, so you would think that would push me to be strict. I WANT to keep going and get to my goal, so you would think I would just do it...


Baby Weight and Beyond said...

You have come so far but sometimes there will be days like this - it's now about how you get back on track and refocus. Do not give up!

janie @ FatGirlsFit said...

We've all been there for sure. How about setting yourself a 3 day rule for times like this?
You're gonna slip up once in a while so set it as a new rule that you can cheat for no more than 3 days at a time?
Good luck and please keep going, we all need you! xx

Diandra said...

Some days it is tough like that. Don't beat yourself up over it, and maybe do some soul-searching while you're at it... I am sure you will come up with the 'why', and after that things should be easier once again.

Christie said...

Oh honey, I do this all the time....Sometimes twice in the same day. I will say, no more junk today, then eat more junk!! It's going to be a very hard thing to do, but when you have these days just try and minimize the impact by working out more and being more active.

the strawberry said...

Been there, done that (still do some days)! I know when I start beating myself up for a less than healthy choice, guilt makes me cheat more. It's a cycle for me. If I really want something, I have it as long as it's within my points, and that's that. I don't beat myself up, so I don't feel guilty and get right back on track.

ariaxami said...

I feel your struggle. I have been sitting at the same weight, in the same five pound range since May. I've started a new exercise regimen and I think I'm going to start strength training to change how my body is looking at everything I put in it. You have come so far already, I'm sure you can do it. I'm sure you can recommit yourself because you have the drive to do it. Don't give up! You've got this!!