Friday is my new WI day... and I wish I had better news to report, but I gained 1.3 lbs. I weigh 176.8.
Hey, the scale doesn't lie! So it is what it is, but next week will be better.
This week, I worked out 4 days on the elliptical and did some weight lifting. However, I have been lacking motivation and discipline with the food part of it all. I haven't been counting or really caring to be honest. I have not been going overboard or eating super bad things at all, but I just haven't been making the best choices that I know I need to make in order to lose weight. Such as drinking wine, snacking on too many Wheat Thins, making grill cheese sandwiches with full carb bread, etc.
Next week I will go back to writing everything down and counting out points because that is what keeps me honest and mindful of exactly what I am consuming and it's what works for me. And I'll keep working out of course. I also haven't been drinking much water at all, so I'll be doing that too.
You CAN do this!! :)
Well at least you know why you biggie...
I have days/weeks like that, now that your holding yourself accountable you can get back at it!!!
Go poop, that 1.3 will turn into a
you will rock it next week!
Next week will be great! Counting and tracking makes everything better!
Maybe you gained a bit, but you worked out four times and did weight lifting, I think that's an accomplishment in itself. You'll get her done next week!
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