Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How much harder is running than using the elliptical?

I think you all should just tell me rather than me going outside and actually finding out for myself. Sound good? Oh, wait, what? It sounds lazy? Oh ok... well, tell me anyway.

See, I like the elliptical because I can sweat and burn calories and do an hour at a level 4-5, at a good pace, no problem. But next week, I'll be out of town visiting my grandma in the hospital. I might be able to sign up for a temporary gym membership, but I'm sure the only way I'll be able to work out is if I run.

I used to run in high school, but then in college I started doing the elliptical and haven't really run since. Unless you want to count random running after the dog type stuff.. which you probably don't.

I see people running the neighborhood a lot and the only thought that crosses my mind is, Does that person know how freakin cold it is? Ugh. Maybe next week I'll be one of those people.

Attitude of Gratitude: My Coach purse had some tears in it, so I took it back to the store and got to exchange it. The sales lady even gave me a 25% off coupon, so I got an even more expensive bag and a cute coin purse and a $1 back in change. I'd say that's a good deal!


Devon said...

Nice job on the deal!!

I freaking hate the elliptical because I can't do it!! I really can't--I can run (a little, lol), but I just can't deal on the elliptical. So in my book you're a hoss for doing it!!!

Lynda with a Y said...

It's not better, it's just different. I find running harder if I do it on pavement (vs. a track or on grass). I can't run as fast as I do on the elliptical or as long.

Thanks for your comment on my blog. : )

Baby Weight and Beyond said...

I don't know.

That's awesome about the purse! I love a good deal!

Thin Lizzy said...

Running is a lot harder than the elliptical (in my opinion). I can do the elliptical for half and hour and not break a sweat, but running for the same amount of time- I'm drenched and huffing and puffing!

You may be able to do gym drop-in. My gym charges visitors $10 for a visit with no membership- good for a vacation.

Kelty said...

I think running's harder, but hey...maybe a shorter more intense workout? Depends on the mood I suppose. Good luck!

Diandra said...

According to the BF, running outside is much harder. I've never been to a gym, but he goes there frequently and uses the elliptical or something like that, where he does an hour at reasonable speed. The first time he went outside last summer, he had the sorest legs in the whole world the next day. It makes sense - you have to move your legs and your body all by themselves, there is no mechanic support. So, take it slow, and enjoy yourself.

Amy said...

DEfinitly harder. Especially outside. Don't be surprised if you can't even get around the block and you'll be thinking - what about the stamina I built up on the eliptical?!?!? Well, as much as the elliptical is a hard workout - the machine is working with you. Same with running on the treadmill... Those machines are using your momentum to to keep you going, so your initial start on the eliptical is harder than the continuous motion. Well running is like always the start of the machine. Because you are continusouly moving your whole body weight. But don't be completely discouraged... walking with small spurts of running is a great form of exercise. You'll just need to spend more time outside.
I'm not a big runner, but I've tried it enough to get past all these surprises! Good luck and it's great you're planning ahead!

Ak said...

Love me some Coach purses! I can't believe yours ripped! I am always amazed that no matter how long I use my Coach purses- they always look brand new.

I've never done the elliptical- but I'd love to try! So basically I can't tell you which is harder. Sorry. :)

Karen@WaistingTime said...

For me, running is much harder and the impact hurts my feet and knees and back. My husband, on the other hand, finds the elliptical more challenging. But I suspect it is because he ran for most of his life.

Christie said...

ohh it's for sure harder.....I ran in a 5K just a few wks ago without hitting the pavement first. I was just doing the elliptical, doing the 3.2 miles in a great time...burning more calories than running and new I had it!! Well although I did great on my time, it was harder!!

Chubby McGee said...

I'm with Devon. I can't do the elliptical. I am not coordinated enough to do it. No lie. I know that sounds like a cop-out, but...I trip over my own feet non-stop all the time. When I was on the elliptical...I nearly died.

Ann said...

why does it have to be running or nothing? I say, get outside and walk, and run when you can. Alternate walking and running intervals, that's the best exercise because it keeps your heart rate between Zone 2 and Zone 3.

Plump Nonfiction said...

Running is harder but I find the elliptical to be very boring. I love running. I can only do a max of 20 minutes on the elliptical because of the boredom. I can run for long amounts of time. When I started, I did walking/running intervals and built up. So walk a bit and run a bit. Its a great workout!

BrittanY! said...

running outside ...makes time go faster for me

Carrieheff said...

My friend pointed out to me that they don't use ellipticals on The Biggest Loser. I wonder why? I prefer the elliptical because I think it's easier on the knees.

Ellie said...

I always had issues with the cross trainer that I could go for what seemed like hours, but when I was jogging on the treadmill or on the road I felt like I ran out of steam after 15minutes. I guess it works your body a lot harder.