Monday, June 13, 2011

Back on the horse, wagon, track, whatever

Yesterday was my beyond horrible weigh in. Luckily, I am very motivated to lose this weight, so that one extremely horrible weigh in gave me a huge slap in the face and snapped me out of my funk.

I HATED seeing such a dramatic increase on the scale. I hated seeing it go up, especially back into the 180's since I was mentally all happy to be in the 170's, even if only by a teensy bit.

So yesterday, I ate extremely well. Mostly protein and vegetables. Altho in a weak moment, I did have a couple handfuls of Cheetos. I know... so bad!

But I am happy to report that when I woke up, the scale said 181.7 (2.2 down) and then I worked out for an hour on the elliptical and got on the scale again and it said 180.3. I am glad that I was probably holding on to a lot of water weight (which a lot of you told me), but I am being strict now, so I can have a good WI next week and get back on the LOSING TRACK!
Attitude of Gratitude: I am feeling better emotionally. Things are looking up and I'm getting excited about moving.


Girly Girl: Losing the Gut said...

Keep it up! As someone who is recently back on track I know how hard the first few days and weeks can be! We are here for you!

downsizers said...

Yup, Yup. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. The extra pounds will soon be gone and you will be back in the 170's again.

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! Yeah I know that sounds cheesy, but whatever. Whoot Whoot!! :-)

Kelty said...

Awesome! Glad to see you're back into it! :D

Ann said...

I challenge you to stop thinking about foods as "good" or "bad". Food can't be good or bad - only your opinion of them (calories, fat, nutritional value, etc.) and when you say "bad!" it gives a negative connotation. Instead, acknowledge the choice and then move forward. No more "good" or "bad". Maybe try "healthy" or "not as healthy". :) Great job for getting back on track and making "healthy" choices.

Kristen said...

you will be back to the 170s before you know totally water weight

Ak said...

Part of this journey, for me, has been slipping up here and there and realizing how TERRIBLE I feel when I do that. It gives me the motivation to keep on going because I don't want to go back to where I've been. So I can completely relate with you here! You can do it!